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What is Penetration Testing?

A hacker attempting to penetrate a network.

Penetration testing, also known as ethical hacking, is a simulated cyberattack on a computer system, network, or application to identify and exploit vulnerabilities. The goal is to evaluate the security of the system by discovering weaknesses that could be exploited by malicious attackers. Penetration testing helps organizations understand their security risks and improve their defenses by addressing any vulnerabilities found before they can be exploited in a real-world attack.

In layman's terms, penetration testing is hacking - but legal. Rather than trying to break something or steal information, the goal is to expose the vulnerabilities malicious hackers will use if your networks and computers are targeted.

After a penetration test is completed, the pen-tester will deliver a report of what vulnerabilities were discovered and what you can do to plug the security holes.

Every business should have an annual (or more frequent) penetration test conducted both internally (within your network) and externally (to try to get through your firewall), and an evaluation of your website. The third will check for look-alike websites where malicious actors pretend to be you in order to trick your employees or customers out of information.

With all of these reports in hand, you IT team, or LUMO, can help ensure your network is safe. The report can also be sent to your insurance company to renew your Cyber Liability insurance policy.

Don't treat pen-testing as an option. It's the only way you'll know for certain if your business is at risk or if the security holes have been plugged.



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